Fishing Tournament Sponsors


Platinum “Presenting” Sponsor $2,750 Donation

          Prominent recognition at weigh-in/raffle and name on sponsor shirt

            Entry fee for four (4) fishing teams in tournament

            Eight (8) Event T-shirts

            Eight (8) Event Raffle Tickets


Gold Sponsor  $1,000 Donation

            Entry fee for three (3) fishing teams in tournament

            Six (6) Event T-shirts

            Six (6) Event Raffle Tickets


Silver Sponsor  $550.00 Donation

            Entry fee for two (2) fishing teams in tournament

            Four (4) Event T-shirts

            Four (4) Event Raffle Tickets


Bronze Sponsor $275.00 Donation

            Entry Fee for one (1) fishing team in tournament

            Two (2) Event T-shirts

            Two (2) Event Raffle Tickets


All Sponsorships Include: Recognition on social media, website, weigh-in and raffle on day of the event. Publication in recognition ad after event in local paper.


 Click HERE to download your sponsorship form


All levels include admission to the Go Fish Education Center for the weigh-in which starts at 3:30 Saturday afternoon, April 12th.  While there you can enjoy the interactive fishing simulators, shooting gallery, and full access to the fascinating exhibits and aquariums.  Our sponsorship offering this year will include raffle tickets and T-shirts, in addition to your fishing team(s).  

Perry Rotary Club is committed to using the proceeds of this fundraiser to “make a difference for good” in our community and world.   Would you join with us in these good works by fishing in the tournament, purchasing raffle tickets, sponsoring the event, or donating prizes?


See a full list of Perry Rotary's projects HERE


***The Perry Rotary Club is a non-profit organization and will use the net proceeds from this tournament to provide free medicines to the Houston County Volunteer Clinic, support local charities, and fund service projects in our community.

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